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The Best and Worst Easter Candy for Your Smile

Easter Candy

Grocery aisles are stocked full of marshmallow-shaped chicks, pastel-colored creamy eggs, and oh-so-good chocolate bunnies. Another Easter season is here, which means another holiday that’s typically flooded with candy. At my dental office in Buckhead, we want to talk about the best, and the worst, candy for your pearly whites.

The Best

We know dentists are usually candy scrooges, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still love to satisfy our sweet tooth just like you. We just try to limit the candy that’s not so good for teeth and focus more on the ones that aren’t so bad including:

  • Hollow Dark Chocolate
  • Sugar-Free Candy
  • Candy Bars with Nuts

The Worst

The worst candies for smiles all have similar qualities. They’re loaded with sugar, they prolong the amount of time teeth are exposed to sugar, and they can cause enamel erosion or other dental damage. Try your best to avoid these treats, or enjoy in moderation:

  • Sour Candy
  • Sticky Sweets
  • Hard Candy

Limit Damage

We know it’s unrealistic to ask you to never eat any of the candy in “The Worst” category. And that’s ok. If you do indulge a bit, follow these tips to limit damage:

  • Wash it down with water. Sipping water while eating sugary foods helps neutralize acid produced by bacteria that feed on the sweet stuff. Swishing with water afterwards knocks loose any particles stuck in grooves and crevices.
  • Don’t munch on them all day. This limits the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar. The less time sugar spends in your mouth, the less chance for decay and cavities.
  • Don’t brush. Well, not right away. Wait at least a half hour to an hour after eating sweets to give the acid a chance to neutralize. Brushing right away can actually cause more damage.

Another way you can keep your pearly whites healthy and cavity free is to maintain regular appointments with your Buckhead dentist.  If you do have any damage, regular visits help catch it early and make it easier to treat.

Schedule an appointment at my Buckhead dental office today!

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

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