Did you see the recent report from ABC news showing the damaging effects of sports and energy drinks? If you did, and you have been a consistent user of sports or energy drinks in the past, you are probably wondering what you can do to protect your teeth and replace those drinks to stay hydrated and healthy. Water is, of course, your safest bet for hydration and tooth health. Tap water that is fluoridated is a better source than bottled water that does not contain any protective fluoride. You can fill a bottle with fluoridated tap water. If you are drinking these sports drinks, sodas, or any other acidic beverage that contains a sugar source, you are more prone to decay and cavities. Make sure you are brushing at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and getting regular cleanings. You also may want to discuss fluoride treatments. Call me, Dr. Todd Davis in Atlanta Georgia at 404-255-7500 today!