TMJ Dentist
Splint Therapy
Relieves Pain Without Surgery
To treat TMJ dysfunction and symptoms, we mainly use splint therapy. The splints are each custom designed to fit your mouth and dentition perfectly. Some splints are placed over the front teeth and others cover either your lower or upper teeth depending on your situation. They are designed to allow the muscles to relax and gently reposition the jaw joint so they work together without any strain or pain.
Most of the splints are placed over the lower teeth and are worn at night to not only relax the muscles and reposition your jaw to the correct position but also to protect your teeth from grinding. These splints are designed to also learn how to most conservatively treat your mouth to get it back to functioning in harmony predictably.
Once relief and stability are accomplished with splint therapy, we may reshape and/or restore your teeth so your upper and lower jaw can meet in a comfortable position. This will enable your jaw joints, muscles, and teeth to function in harmony and prevent further pain and breakdown.